Friday, July 18, 2014

The Success Series - Introduction- ii

My Dear Friends,
                             Say to yourself , Yes I Can , Yes I am ,Yes I Do,Now I want to ask you , What is Success, Yes Now Every one has a answer , Yes DESIRES are success, If you Make it happen than You are successful, Yes You have to achieve DESIRE Driven SUCCESS, But there is a  frustrating Question, Yes, It Can Frustrate you for a moment, Now Read this Carefully, Whose Desire you want to fulfill, Is your DESIRE influenced By you or by Other's People,Yes 3% people have their own Desire, 90% of them never be influenced by other's DESIRE , What should other want from you, You have to Think of your Desires, What you want , What are its Pros & Cons,Yes You Have to analyses your desire well & then find a way how to Transfer this DESIRE in to success.Yes you Have clear the WHAT of SUCCESS, if you Stuck here then how you could analyse the other 4 W .5 W are 1%, But they make their SUCCESS PILLARS strong, on which you can stand building which can touch the SUN , Yes YOU CAN, Here I describe YOU, Yes YOU one Can Do Anything & Everything,You Don't require anything Beyond your Faith in Yourself. Now You have to Clear your Desires & Objectives behind Your Desires,Yes Why ?Next Step is to create a DTS PLAN, Desire To Success Plan , in which you write down that What is going to do in Next 10 days, Where I want to see After 3 Years. Yes Write Down,& Make it happen, Because Everything is possible....
If You Don't make a Dent on Society, Then your Life is totally Waste......- Sameer Naiyyar
Your Well-wisher,
Sameer Naiyyar.
E-mail -

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Success Series - Introduction

My Dear Friends,
                                 SUCCESS, When you heard the word SUCCESS,What you feel, Everyone feel Good, But If I ask you one Question, How to become Successful, Then every one has his/her view points to become successful, YES you Know HOW to become successful, you also know the steps taken for success, But you Don't Know Exact numbers of Steps needed to become a successful person,And many of you don't know 5W's of Success, Yes Success also has 5W & 1H , WHAT IS SUCCESS? , WHERE IS SUCCESS? , WHO IS SUCCESSFUL? , WHEN TO BE SUCCESSFUL ? , WHY TO BECOME SUCCESSFUL? . Yes first you Have to find out the answer of 5W 's , Then take a In-depth Analysis of 1H. Now Here a Personal Question for you What is Success? Success is vary from person to person, What you want Sound Health, Huge Wealth,Happiness,Name-Fame,Peace of Mind etc , Every one has his/her Desires , You are gonna wonderful after knowing that DESIRE is SUCCESS, yes Your Desires are success, If You Have a Desire of Becoming a Singer, If you become than it is success, Yes SUCCESS comes from Desire, Desire is the key to Success , So First you have to Know Your desires very well, Second You have to write it on a packet size notebook, Then On Next page Define the Time period which you needed,& references you needed, Then you have to put all this in A DTS Action, Yes DTS, Desires To Success, watch your performance every day ,that How much your efforts is gonna to lead you towards your life Desire, And Fulfilling in every task , Fell the moment of Happiness, Don't Pause it till you become Successful, Play the music of HAPPINESS in your life.You have to do one Task Today, Write Down Your Desires,Decide Action Plan to Start,Decide Priorities , Keep Yourself Motivated.
To Succeed in Life You need two things,IGNORANCE & CONFIDENCE.- Mark Twain 
S-  Surety ,
U - Unique , 
C- Calmness, 
C -Confidence , 
E- Excellence , 
S - Smartness ,
S -Stability - Sameer Naiyyar , You make your own, because Everyone has different perspective towards Success.

Yours Well Wisher,
Sameer Naiyyar.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Dear Friends,
                      Yes, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, YES You are CA, Keep Faith in yourself is the Biggest Key to winning .In slides you learn the various learning objectives for CA, if you want good package , Do your training seriously. The secret is that there is No Firm IN INDIA, which give you exposure in these All fields.But You are the Creator of your life, you are the Champion of your Life, You are the C.E.O of your life.Simply You have to do your push-ups own yourself.Yes if there are not all fields, then You have to develop a deep learning love towards your subjects.Where you are , That is the Best Place, Keep Stick to that Place in your training period, Yes, Now Q arises From where learning comes, Yes if You are in Audit Department,want to gain knowledge in Forex,simply read chapters Of Forex, Related Articles on the Web, Related Videos on google ,Yes next Step forex have to do, Yes if You Develop a Deep Love Towards your subjects, The ways to learning become automatically, Yes you gain Experience , Which Is required after Qualification, Fix short Targets, Single Focused Targets,Achievable Targets ,It apply For Ever Exam,but Specially For CA is that Our CA- Syllabi is Simple, but Vast, Start your study From the very first day , Don't Procrastinate,Remember three things never return, A word uttered from Mouth, An Arrow left From Bow, A Time Gone From Present. Belive in the Power of NOW, There is no PAST,PRESENT OR FUTURE, All are ILLUSION OF MIND, There is only one time period i.e. NOW, The power of Now, There is an Old Doha From Saint kabir jee, Tomorrows work do today, today's work now, If the moment is lost, the work be done how . Yes Postponing also develop a Cowardliness in you , The power of NOW develops the Braveness & Boldness in you, Prepare your subjects one by one, But not only in classes , but also practically, Make a group of friends , discuss what you know, they also discuss with you some things new, Do a one meeting in a group, Try to make a small group consisting of 5-7 people,There is Saying , If you have a COIN, I also Have a coin,If we Exchange them, Then We are at same position, But If you have one idea, I also have one idea, if we Share  Idea among each other than both of us left with Double than we earlier had.So Start Taking Action, & Go Ahead on your Path, you Do your Best, No one else YOU know Your Desires.Have a Great Day Ahead.
Your Well -Wisher,
Sameer Naiyyar

Monday, July 14, 2014

Entrepreneur & Public Speaker: Chartered Accountant - You are CA

Entrepreneur & Public Speaker: Chartered Accountant - You are CA: My Dear Friends,                              Yes today I am going to writing on the insides of a CA or Article-ship Training ,Today You...

Chartered Accountant - You are CA

My Dear Friends,
                             Yes today I am going to writing on the insides of a CA or Article-ship Training ,Today You will find the answer Why Result Has go Down,Why Average Package stuck between 2.5-3.5 Lacs For CA , Did They Something Miss in their journey , Yes If they Miss something then what is that, Q Arises, What one thing they miss, Many Thinkers & Faculties believed that they are not good in Presentation Or in Soft Skills, But Institute Providing ITT, GMCS-1,GMCS-2,Advanced ITT, OT etc Training Program-mes. yes everything is provided by the institute , Where the GAP, Where The DISTANCE , When I do analyses of this whole phenomenon , then it Leave me an unanswered ,Yes it Is TRUE, Yesterday I upload a CA- Article-ship Training Guide on SLIDESHARE, But the reality i do not know, & you are curious to know the reality, In HISTORY of 65 Years there is no PPT on This Topic , Yes this is the Only one & one,It tells you What is your Learning Objectives in C.A., What kinds of Expectation everyone have from you. Yes, there are many PPT on SlideShare which tells you to Compute TDS, Income Tax,Indirect tax, AS, SA, etc.But there is no PPT why you are Here , For Which Learning Objective you are here, There is a old Proverb, If you want to feed Any person, then don't give him food, Tell the method of cooking,He/She will do better than you, Yes Friends, Here are learning Objectives in this CA training , You have to get Practical exposure of these Fields in your Article-ship Training, If You have the better Knowledge, then you Serve yourself as Better than else could be.So What you have to do, You don't want to know , who guide me , who tell me, Yes i am also deprived of these Learning Objectives, One Day My CA Ropan Bhaiya ask me , Sameer have you ever read the training guide provided by the institute, He mailed in minute, & Said me read it , we will discuss Tomorrow Morning, Yes Next Day I got a Q to Q discussion with my Bhaiya, I Learned a Concept called BUSY - Better Use Of System than You, Yes you are Gonna to be Used by your Principles, They are only interested in getting Their Work in a 1000-3000, Articles are cheapest Lab-our else would exists in the world, But Don't Worry, Where are you , @ Right Place, Yes, You have to go these 35 Slides & decide your own Learning Curve, Yes You can Do it, If You feel Stuck @ any point contact me through mail. Again I am Thankful & Grateful To my Ropan Bhaiya who Give me a lot of Insight-ed Guideness, & also to all of you to give me a such overwhelming response.
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You can search it on Google/Slideshare- CA Articleship Training Guide ppt.
Sameer Naiyyar,
Author,Speaker & Entrepreneur,
MotoSucccess,Subhashico Uni Grp.